NorthCA Hikers' third annual Lost Coast trip. We split into two groups this time - Northbound Theresa, Chris, Gail, David, Deon, Ken and Paul, Southbound Paige, Rebecca, Barbara, David, Steve, Craig and Larry and I. This was the first backpacking trip for Larry since times long passed, and I wanted to make sure that he would enjoye it. I didn't quite count on the cold and wind and rain, and based on the pictures our family is highly suspicious as to my motives. As for Larry, he says "I will never do it again! And the next time, I am going to bring JetBoil and some different food". It was fun to backpack together. As always, it was a great trip, I enjoyed all of it, even the rain. And the ocean and the seals and vistas and beach trash, and the sunsets and sitting around campfire. It is wonderful to be a part of such a great group!

Můj druhý výlet na Ztracené pobřeží. Tentokrát jsem nějakým způsobem zmámila Larryho aby šel s námi. Slíbila jsem sluníčko a procházku po pláži. Měli jsme sluníčko, ledový vítr, déšť, mlhu, víc sluníčka a další mlhu, ale nesněžilo. Viděli jsme spoustu vody, tuleně, maják, kytičky, kopce, chobotnici, západ slunce, no a taky spoustu vody abych na ni nezapomněla. Příroda byla úžasná a společnost taky.

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